Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Hello and welcome to my new food blog!

I decided to create this in an effort to record some of my more memorable (for any reason, good or bad) foodie experiences.  Whether or not anyone ever reads these shall remain to be seen, but I hope so.  Ideally, it should be read alongside my other personal blog (at, the difference being the personal blog covers a variety of issues whereas this one focuses on food only - either eating out experiences or, occasionally, some of my own recipes and creations.

In terms of the eating out part, and commenting on restaurants, I did actually do this many years ago (before blogs were around), on my website  This, however, is very old now and has not been updated for several years, so I hope this blog will take up the baton.

And, in case anyone is wondering, "peripatetic" means a person who travels from place to place - a traveller, or wayfarer.  I thought this was rather appropriate.


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